these are my confessions

Today in church we talked about confession. and also, I have been listening to that Glee mash-up song "Confessions" pretty much non-stop. With those things as my inspiration, I thought I would make my own confessional-list for today's post. Since this is a public blog, (and because my parents read this.just kidding, mom & dad) I won't make it super serious. But here are a few things I feel the need to get off my chest:

1) I am an "english" person but I am horrible at grammar. I over-use commas like WHOA. and also, I am a pretty bad speller. (for example, I still say "Wed"-"nes"-"day" out loud when I spell wednesday.)
2) I still watch Full-House reruns. and thoroughly enjoy them.
3) I told my housemates that I didn't drink any coffee yesterday and they were proud of me. but then I relapsed and had a mug. I need help.
4) I procrastinate. A lot. I have to write a paper today. but I am blogging.
5) One time in 7th grade, my friend and I took my other friend's lunch and put it in the lost & found as a joke. when she couldn't find it, we simply suggested that maybe she "lost" it so she would get the hint. When she didn't, we just went back to the lost and found, claimed her lunch and ate her fruit snacks. Sorry, Shannon.
6) For fun in middle school, I would roller blade around our unfinished basement listening to N'SYNC. by myself.
7) I'm pretty sure I could only list all 50 states by singing The Fifty Nifty United States song I learned in 5th grade.
8) I laugh when people fall down. Like, really hard.
9) Someone asked me for directions on how to get to the bookstore as I was crossing old dorms a few weeks ago. I panicked (because I hate giving directions/am directionally-challenged) and did my best to explain. When they tried to clarify with me and asked if they had the right idea of where to go, I realized that I had sent told them a totally wrong way. But I was so confused that I just said "Yep, that'll get you there!" and then walked away.
10) I like one of my cats better than the other one. Sorry, Mosby.


zoe said...

i looove that song!
i am also procrastinating. i should be writing a blog post for my psych class about consciousness...

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