shout out to: precious

don't you just love those things that make you say "awwwwww" and feel all warm & fuzzy inside? here are a few items that are, in a word, precious:

-Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne (proof that they are more than "Stacey's mom." I love these song lyrics. they are presh! and this video cracks me up.)

-Babies (I think I just died a little)

-puppy-precious-ness (look at the freckles on his little nose. ahhh I want him!)

-Mr. Darcy in P&P (even though I know it's coming, everytime I read this part I tear up a little and sigh and squeal. don't judge, it's sooooo presh!)

"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 34.

-baby laughter (I know I said babies above, but baby laughter is the greatest sound ever. Plus, this little girl makes me feel better about myself because she seems to agree that people falling down is pretty stinkin' hilarious)


zoe said...

i'd never seen the video for hey julie! haha i love the spin it puts on the song, sooo funny
love you!

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