full, filled, filling.
Where to begin with the past few weeks? I have learned close to a million new spanish words. I have held a sick three year old with hair so thin she looked like she was balding. I have consumed the world's best coffee on a hammock in the morning. I have slammed a truck door on my leg so hard it left a wound that looks like I was attacked by a stray dog (and that's the story I'm going with, actually). I have travelled through the colorful streets of Managua at night and seen poverty sleeping alongside the highway in small tin houses, on cardboard sheets. I have eaten plate after plate of rice. I have processed through sin and brokenness with Americans who could not believe some of these things exist. I have played Marco-Polo with some of the best kids on the planet.
Sometimes I sit down to write all these things to you and I find myself at a loss to capture even one sliver of it.
Because there is just so much here. There are so many stories I could share. They could be titled That Time I Met Bryan in Tipitapa, That Time I Prayed and God Answered, That Time Our Bus Got Stuck In A River Of Mud, That Time We Made Poop Jokes Before Eating Pupuseria, and on and on and on. I have been here for several weeks and have several to go, and I feel so full already with learning and laughter and growth. But most of all, I feel right stuck in the middle of God's plan for this world, for my life, and for the people I meet. And that, sweet friends, is a pretty darn good place to be.
I feel myself full in the mornings, and being filled during the days, and I find myself knowing that God will continue to find space inside me to do the extra filling He needs to do -- this abundance comes through in different ways, in strange ways where I can feel Him filling me up as I ache and feel void of hope, when I am homesick or when I wonder about my usefulness. In fact, I find in those moments where I am aware of all that I am (and that the world is) lacking -- those are the times when He chooses to pour into me exactly what I need.
And so here I may not have time to blog much and share the little details of my journey with you, but know that as you pray for me (which I know so many of you do, and for that I am eternally grateful) and for the people I get to know in this place, there is joy and grace abundantly given in response. I can feel it settling down in my bones because of you. What I am experiencing here, in one of the poorest places in the world, is nothing short of abundance.
Good time
la luz
one reason I can't wait to have children:
joy and chaos
hi, strangers. I haven't blogged in awhile, have I? each time I sit down and look at the computer screen to post something my mind just feels a little overwhelmed and like I have too many thoughts and not enough ways to say them.
life is strange right now.
Last weekend I got to celebrate my twin brother during his graduation from college. and although I technically graduated in december, my ceremony is this coming sunday, making the whole thing really feel official. A few days after that, I will move from the house I live in with some of my favorite friends in the world and from the city I treasure in more ways than I can list. I will walk away from the place where for the past four years I have been transformed and sanctified, educated and loved, challenged and stretched in really awesome, beautiful ways. I will leave and head off into the next season, which currently is one big freaking question mark. and that is my life.
I have no wisdom really, or even many complete thoughts on how to get through this weird transition that I and so many people my age are currently experiencing. but, in typical fashion, as I was reading my bible this morning, I was hit by something that is true and that I have needed constant reminding of recently -
and that is joy. joy in the middle of complete mysterious chaos.
In Ecclesiastes chapter 8 it says, "And I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun."
I don't have a lot to say about that, other than that is pretty serious, isn't it? To say I COMMAND joy, not suggest it or request it. To say that we have nothing better on this earth other than joy - that is a big deal. The bible doesn't take it lightly.
and so that is the challenge: joy. joy in excess, joy in the face of mystery, joy in the face of endings. because there is nothing better for me under the sun.
and so I will pursue it with all I've got.
from death to life
This is the fourth time I've gotten to share the incredible story of the resurrection at the Young Life club I'm a leader at, and each time I have found that the event becomes more and more magical to me. And it has also felt increasingly real. In light of everything we know to be true about the world, Jesus rising from the dead makes very little sense. And at the same time, it allows everything else about the promises of God and of his great love for us to make the most sense in the world.
I haven't posted a poem in awhile, but today I was in a writing mood and I wrote this one thinking about my great joy for the resurrection and for the magic and glory and deep love that goes along with it.
letting go
In Anne Lamott's book "Grace (Eventually)", Anne describes a moment when she was trying to explain the concept of "letting go"-giving up your worries to God- to a group of 3-5 year old boys.
a reason to love blogs
“There’s something sacred about reading a blog post on someone else’s site. It’s like visiting a friend’s house for a quick meal ’round the breakfast table. It’s personal — you’re in their space, and the environment is uniquely suited for idea exchange and uninterrupted conversation. In many ways, we should be treating our blogs like our breakfast tables. Be welcoming & gracious when you host, and kind & respectful when visiting.” – Trent Walton
(via Shiflett)
does his new song prove that all things get better with age?
Taylor Swift likes to sing about cars
on direction
I think one of Jesus' favorite things to pull out of his sleeve is to give us really simple answers to really complicated questions.
a poem from last week's Nica trip
a productive night at home
on wearing crowns
6 songs, new & old, that are great.
and I blame....
sib poem
When we were on car trips
to Florida we would build
walls from our pillows –
great, monstrous forts
to keep our sides apart
until we’d call truce
for a movie or game,
and sit together in the quietness
similar to all that time
before time began for us,
or life began,
before we breathed it in together.
When we were around
that same age there was
a thunderstorm at night
when our parents were away,
and Nana was taking care of us.
When the power went off
and the thunder was roaring
through the foundation of our home
the three of us sat in the basement
stairwell and I could be alright
with my fear, because we were
both afraid at the same time,
in the same place.
What is more than that
is that expression I admire
that you wear so often,
from the start and even
when I saw you a few
weeks ago – that grin like you
want to breathe in the whole world,
And let it dance behind your eyes,
Or wind it up like a clock and let it
Tick and run while you take it all
In and love it down to its core.
Jesus ______ (verb)
I have prayed for a long time that I would know what love is - that I would be better in touch with the type God created and less in touch with the type we've made for ourselves in this world.
guest post: when Jesus was tempted
the customer is always right
Dear ConAgra Foods,
I am writing about my experience with your Healthy Choice Cheese Tortellini Soup. The picture on the container makes your product appear as though it is full of delicious cheese tortellini. I decided to choose the Healthy Choice brand over other brands because the product was marketed in a way that made me fully confident that it was going to be satisfying and full of tortellini. I returned home with my purchased soup and eagerly anticipated eating it during this cold winter season. However, instead of being filled with warm and delicious cheese tortellini, I was shocked and disappointed by the amount of pasta inside. I found only a small handful of tortellini in a very bland and unimpressive tomato soup. It was not at all hearty as the can led me to believe. Out of all the soups in the soup aisle, I chose Healthy Choice because of the good reputation of the brand and the promises of the picture of cheesy tortellini on the front. I am disappointed that Healthy Choice did not live up to my expectations nor the advertising claims. I hope to see a change in the future and my 9 housemates and I will all be extremely hesitant to purchase anything from Healthy Choice again.
Thank you for your time,
Emily Morgan Thompson
pictures I am considering including in my letter:
1) this soup left me on a roller coaster of emotion.
2) this product is nothing to write home about.
3) this product did not leave me in Soup Heaven.