and I blame....

you know what sucks?

When something is utterly your own fault and you can't blame anyone else. It's the worst.

here's a shout-out to some things I hate....all of which originate from the sorts of bad habits and/or stubbornness that eventually comes back around to kick you in the knees.

1) when you really want to watch Pride & Prejudice, the Kiera Knightely version, and go to the DVD box only to find it missing.....then realize you were the last one to watch it....and the last one to not put it back.
2) running late to drive somewhere far away and turning on your car to find the gas tank on empty.
3) craving a scoop of peanut butter in your banana smoothie, opening the cabinet and seeing that you left the empty peanut butter jar in there, and that's all you have. (I mean, the trash can is a whole two steps away).
4) the smell of that Italian Wedding soup you forgot to toss out 3 weeks ago.
5) Splinters (I guess you can't really blame the wood for those. although I'd like to)
6) the resulting nausea from eating that Valentine's Day brownie when you thought you weren't full enough yet (you were)
7) the resulting nightmares after thinking you are brave enough to watch a scary movie by yourself. (you're not)
8) the resulting bruises after you think your rain boots are dry enough to give you the traction to run down the stairs (they're not)


Jessica said...

you really ought to recycle that peanut butter jar...

emily morgan thompson said...

you would.

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