gummie vitamins

My mom recently gave me a bottle of gummie vitamins for adults (the real vitamins are just really scary and big, ok?). They are delicious. They should seriously make these things less yummy because I'm afraid that one day I will overdose...they are just too tasty to stop eating.

I felt slightly ashamed for a little while about taking my daily dose of Vitamin D in gummy form. It's a bit childish isn't it? But the more I think about it, the more this seems appropriate for me.

I own several pairs of matching pajamas. I think baby animals are the greatest things in the world. Wizards of Waverly Place is quality television in my mind. I laugh uncontrollably at all types of potty-humor. I seriously contemplated bringing back the pigtail look the other day as I was brushing my hair.

Basically, I am a seven-year-old girl.

I was thinking today of how we live in this world where we are told to grow up quickly, to act and to look confident and mature, to know what we want, to go after it full steam, and to listen to all our worries and fears. And in all of that, our childishness is lost. We start caring more about being a mature adult than being joyful and excited about all the details of living - which is something kids could teach us to do a bit more of.

so you know what? I'm going to take my two strawberry-shapped vitamin gummies today & not care if that makes me seem silly and immature.

There are worse things than refusing to grow up.


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