sib poem

for my twin brother, on the day after we turned 22

When we were on car trips

to Florida we would build

walls from our pillows –

great, monstrous forts

to keep our sides apart

until we’d call truce

for a movie or game,

and sit together in the quietness

similar to all that time

before time began for us,

or life began,

before we breathed it in together.

When we were around

that same age there was

a thunderstorm at night

when our parents were away,

and Nana was taking care of us.

When the power went off

and the thunder was roaring

through the foundation of our home

the three of us sat in the basement

stairwell and I could be alright

with my fear, because we were

both afraid at the same time,

in the same place.

What is more than that

is that expression I admire

that you wear so often,

from the start and even

when I saw you a few

weeks ago – that grin like you

want to breathe in the whole world,

And let it dance behind your eyes,

Or wind it up like a clock and let it

Tick and run while you take it all

In and love it down to its core.


Sarah said...

aw, I love this! especially this: "the quietness/similar to all that time/before time began for us..." and "because we were/ both afraid at the same time/ in the same place." very evocative. now I want to meet your brother. : )

Jessica said...

this is beautiful em! i want to give it to my twin :)

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