a book by its cover

Ever thought about how unrealistic the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover" is? In an ideal world, maybe it would work. But it just doesn't fly in the present-day (actually, probably never has, ever). You dress up nicely for an interview because you know your desired employer is going to make a judgment call based on your appearance. You put a little (ok, maybe a lot of) extra effort into your outfit if you're going on a first date. You instantly, without being able to stop your thoughts, place people into socio-economic class, personality type, profession, etc., when you pass them on the street. I'm not saying it's a good thing. It's awful and I wish I could stop myself from making snap judgments so frequently. But the truth is, it exists. In fact, it might be one of the most obvious signs that we live in a really broken, imperfect world. It is entirely too much of a habit of ours to settle for the surface instead of the depths.

The same is true for literature, it seems. Although here, it's an entirely different story (haha, get it? story?). I also find myself making judgments on books based on what I immediately see. As an English major and avid reader, I would like to be able to say that a cover makes no difference, and that I only pick my books according to what I can ascertain of its literary worth, but alas, I would be lying. I'm drawn in by a pretty design, and I bet you are as well.

Here's the thing though: it doesn't really seem like a shame in this case. Book covers are fascinating, actually. It's become this whole new canvas for art, and I love that. People make careers out of designing sweet things to wrap arms around the literature we adore. It's like icing on the cake, really. Good book (hopefully) as well as good art? I'll take it.

I got to thinking all of this after reading Zoe's new blog this morning. She linked this great portfolio of a designer named Ben Wiseman. Check it out if you're interested in seeing some cool cover designs. It definitely proves that there is literal worth in that old saying, at least.

p.s. on a fairly related note, thanks sending book pics for my project! Keep 'em comin'!! :)


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