Today I saw Eclipse, the latest Twilight movie, with Ellen and Ginny. It was sooooo good (and when I say "so good", I really mean awful, but Taylor Lautner was in it and shirtless 75% of the time). Even though I've read the books and knew what was going to happen, I still found myself turning to my friends and going "Wait, what's going on!?" or "OMG, did you see that?" or "Why does Bella look stoned all the time? or "Emily Lautner sounds really good, doesn't it?"
What is that? Why do I have this compulsive need to ruin everyone's movie experience? It's so bizarre. Please tell me that I'm not the only obnoxious one with this habit out there.
Anyway, in terms of the movie, I would say it's the best in the saga so far (which doesn't say much, as the acting is still pretty bad. I mean, come on girl-who-plays Bella, you could smile occasionally, I think. I will never understand why anyone thinks you are the least bit desirable). But you should probably see it. It's good entertainment at least. And maybe you'll even get lucky and sit next to someone like me who will squeal in your ear the whole time.
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