beauty in the eye of the camera-holder?

I've gotta be real- I stink at taking photos. Seriously. Photography is awesome & I appreciate it, but I can't do it. Maybe I've just never had a really nice camera or maybe I'm just photographically-challenged. I'm not sure the cause, but I always feel slightly ashamed that the photographs I take aren't more awe-inspiring.
That being said, I was looking through some old pictures today and having a good laugh. Sometimes my pictures are so completely off center or out of focus (and not in an "artsy" way) that it is hilarious. Other times they are super blurry, as if I was flailing my arms about madly as I captured the picture. But then I stopped after awhile and thought, "Hey, these awful pictures are actually"
Here are a few from my "awful" selection that I'm kind of starting to appreciate. (and if they really are bad, maybe you can just humor me)


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