
sometimes I think about my talents. I think, "Emily, what cool things are you good at?" and usually the answer is "hmm, does smiling a lot count?". but really. I bet if you thought about it long and hard, you could come up with an extensive list of sweet talents you possess. I just came up with a list of random things I'm practically professional at. Not to make you jealous, but I'm looking at it and thinking "wow. pretty impressive..." Watch out, self-esteem!

Emily's list of talents and skillz:
1) touching the tip of my nose with my tongue (only 2% of the population can do it. it is possible that I just made that percentage up. but it was an educated guess)
2) making educated guesses (trust me.)
2) ending words with the letter "z"
3) typo-extraordinaire

4) squealing (in a tone audible to only dogs. I've gotten so good that even I can barely hear it anymore)

5) breaking guitar strings (twice in the middle of YL club within the past month. just because I'm such a rock star)

6) rapping that Luda part in Baby.

7) drinking out of straws (no one drinks out of straws as much as I do. I think that counts as a talent)

8) having scars that all originated from Razor scooter accidents (the sidewalk neighborhood was a battlefield)

9) disliking most types of cake (I think that makes me unique. and if I went on a game-show called "Who Wants this Cake?" which tempted contestants with cake and the point was to see which contestant had the most willpower to not eat any, I'd probably win. which would then classify it as a talent)
10) humming while brushing my teeth (it's like, that's HARD, right?)
11) knowing how to dance the foxtrot really well (...but nothing else. Thanks, Cotillion!)
12) being the person who tweets Justin Bieber the most in all of Twitter (HAHA JUST KIDDING! who would tweet Justin Bieber? definitely not me. never ever. I'd never try to tweet justin bieber all the time wishing that he would just FREAKING TWEET ME BACK and make my life complete and make me the happiest person in the whole wide universe....yeah, never.)
13) ability to communicate with animals (I didn't say they understand me)
14) winning at Apples to Apples (I never lose)
15) being hysterical (hence why I win at apples to apples)
16) being humble (hence why I'm awesome)

what strange talents do you have?


Rachel Penney said...

when i was reading this i thought...i'm going to leave a comment and say "you should add getting retweed by justin bieber to the list...OH WAIT" and then i got to #12!!!! So now instead of leaving a comment saying that i am leaving a comment saying that i am starting my own list of secret talents and #1 is BEING PSYCHIC.

you really do excel at the high pitched squeal

rachel.. said...

UGHHH this is rachel. for some reason every single time i comment on these things it says my name is CommGroup5. i don't know why. that's not my name. my name is Rachel Penney. HELP ME! and then add "fixing google" to the list

emily morgan thompson said...

wow, thanks CommGroup5!

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