Puffy Vest Syndrome

I have this issue.

So you see, physical touch is pretty high up there on my love languages/ways I show that I care.

And as the winter months have been slowly but surely making their presence known, I've also been noticing that the puffy vest is making more of an appearance. And each time I see someone wearing one, all I want to do is run at them full speed, open my arms wide, and give them the biggest most snuggly bear hug possible.

...which might be weird.

but REALLY, people - have you ever hugged someone wearing a puffy vest? It's incredible. I dare you to try it next to you see a person in one...complete stranger? Go for it. It will be worth it.

So with the knowledge that puffy vests instantly transform you into the most cuddle-worthy person ever, I've been on the hunt for one.
and oh they are just so mmmcuteandadorableandsnugglyfantastic!! anyone have any suggestions for where to buy a colorful one??
happy winter-hugging season! :)

dear boys, when you wear a puffy vest, you get 80 extra adorbs points.

this one is for babies. BONUS CUTENESS!


Sarah said...

hahahaha, I love this. I always want to hug people who are wearing plaid shirts, especially if they're the soft kind. whenever I get married, I'm getting my husband three of those, at LEAST.

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