The most hysterical thing to me right now is my Hebrew Bible study guide, which, as I am creating it, is becoming sloppier and sloppier. I am abbreviating words, and have started saying "Baby" to refer to the Babylonians. So, my notes currently say things like "After the Baby invasion, the Jewish people were exiled" or "Psalm 137 expresses the deep distress of the people because of baby's".
also, I ate bread this morning that I realized afterwards has been expired for at least 9 days. Hope I don't die.
also, I'm translating Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" for my ASL final this afternoon. So my study schedule right now means that my thoughts alternate between Royal Theology and what's the best way to sign "boys blowin' up my phone phone".
also, did I mention that my brain is melting?
THIS IS THE BEST POST EVER. you just made me die laughing. (killed me laughing? That's a linguistic quandary right there). PLEASE put up a video of you doing Tik Tok. that would make my life complete.
marry me?
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