stitched up

Do you know those days when you feel like you are made of glass?

it's those moments when you think that if the world throws one more thing at you, you will shatter into pieces. it's when you get bad news. it's when you have to add yet another commitment to your calendar. it's when the future suddenly looms at you, gray and uncertain. it's when you let someone down. it's when sadness is heavier than joy.

it's when you feel fragile and on the verge of breaking. and you are not sure of what it will take for you to just keep it together.

I felt that even tonight, after a house meeting when a roommate and I talked about that overwhelming feeling we're experiencing, of the busyness of school attacking us and life coming at full speed. It makes you feel in want of composure, or stability, or something just to glue you up and keep you from dissolving.

And of course, as I've been thinking these things, the Lord decided it would be good to comfort me with his word. I guess he's dependable that way.

This morning I got stuck on a verse in Colossians 1, v17 that says: He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Most times that I've read that, I think of Jesus as uniting the Church of believers. And that is true. He does. But today, all I can think about is that little phrase, in him all things hold together.

And I couldn't stop thinking - he's talking about me, too.

He's talking about holding together my life. He's talking about fortifying my spirit. He's talking about being the one thing I can rely on to stitch me back together again when I feel broken by the world. He is stabilizing me. He is threading love for me throughout my body, that I might be made whole because of him. That I might be safe and complete and all put into place.

It is such a beautiful image and truth to sit with for awhile - that Jesus is holding it together for you when you can't.


Sarah said...

I needed this today. thanks. : )

Maura said...

sweet em. i love you. i Know completely what you mean.

Skylar Doerwaldt said...

Love this! I've been feeling the same lately. Thanks Emily!

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